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A visit to Captain Ken Hargreaves and his Assistance dog Raleigh by Michael & Christine in July 2024
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A visit to Captain Ken Hargreaves and his Assistance dog Raleigh by Michael & Christine in July 2024
Special Projects  |  07.25.2024 1:18 pm  |  4  |  A+ | a-

Captain Ken Hargreaves, Raleigh his Assistance dog with Christine and Michael Sutcliff in July 2024


AFSG Members will recall just prior to covid we did a support fund raiser for Captain Ken, who despite being very badly injured by a bomb blast, whilst serving  as an infantry Officer was trying to get into the INVICTUS games for Japan, and the UK teams Wheelchair Archery Squad - we had a good fund raiser using a giant teddy bear (which was very successful) but the covid and other issues screwed up Kens attempt, and injury put him in hospital for  a series of operations (The bear went to Derian House Childrens Hospice)

One of the things we learned, was that Ken had a Assistant dog called FRED, and he was something else, its easier probably to list what he couldn't do rather than the other way around, for Ken he says he really was a life changer, friend and companion, and was partial to sleeping on Christines feet whenever we called at Ken’s house.

Sadly, a couple of years ago, Fred went to where all good dogs have to go with old age, a bitter blow for Ken I am sure, a few lumps in throats for the rest of us. There is a photo of Ken and  Fred in the Office

However a new youngster call RALEIGH had been drafted in, whilst FRED was still around, and trained up to follow in his pawsteps, and Christine and I have just been to visit Ken and meet Raleigh, both doing well.

Ken is our long distance AFSG supporter, and sends all the team his regards, he follows our actions on social media and on our Website

Attached Photo is Ken and Raleigh, Christine and myself .

